“UN SISTEMA NON PUÒ TROVARE AL SUO INTERNO LE REGOLE PER CAMBIARE LE SUE REGOLE” Gregory Bateson A cosa serve? Utilizziamo gli strumenti del coaching professionale per supportare Imprenditori, CEO, Comitati Direttivi nell’elaborazione del pensiero strategico […]
“Creating healthy and effective groups capable of responding to new challenges is perhaps the most important task facing the human community of today” Susan Wheelan, from “Group Processes”, 2004 A cosa serve? Attraverso un percorso modulare […]
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The content of this area is taken from a page that serves as top sliding bar.
You can use the page builder to create it and put into it all the features available for a static page, shortcodes and widgets included.
To select a different page as top sliding bar, just go to Geode admin panel → General → Top sliding bar and footer